Safe. Simple. Seamless. Secure.
Qwertycoin is a a decentralized peer to peer protocal for safe payment and communication worldwide.
About Qwertycoin
Qwertycoin is a “real decentralized community Cryptocurrency”, a “decentralized digital asset” like Bitcoin. “Nobody owns or controls Qwertycoin”.
Open-Source Platform
Qwertycoin is a “decentralized” currency based on an “Open-Source” CryptoNote “Platform”. Everyone can build and participate.
Decentralized Community
Qwertycoin is “not” a private company funded through an ICO or pre-mining. Development is supported by its own “Community”.
Democracy and Privacy
Members can participate in important “community decisions” via voting. Qwertycoin is totally “untraceable
and anonymous”.
Egalitarian Proof of Work (EPoW)
CryptoNote Technology brings the voting equality through “Egalitarian Proof of Work” that utilizes for mining algorithm.
Ultra-Fast Transaction
Transaction speeds are “Ultra-Fast” compared to other coins. Our technology allows fast transaction confirmation times.
Egalitarian Proof of Service (EPoSe)
Qwertycoin’s transaction fee distribution among “Masternodes” based on Uptime as a measure of “Service”.
Qwertycoin Releases
Get the latest release from Qwertycoin – Mobile Wallet, Web Wallet, Paper Wallet, Zero Wallet, GUI Wallet, CLI Wallet and our Voting Platform!
EPoSe Movement #1
Proposing Changes in Block Reward Related Equation.
EPoSe Movement #2
Proposing Changes in Mixin.
QWCX v1.0.0 Release (Discussion)
Qwertycoin Cross-Platform Wallet.
Qwertycoin Environment
We’re growing the team around the world. Explore our job descriptions and reach out.

360° Market Capitalization

Chinese Market Capitalization

No1 Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization

Market Capitalization

Coin Stats
Crypto Portfolio
Telegram Community

100 following

50 following

50 following

50 following

50 following

50 following

500 following

50 following

250 following

200 following

50 following

10 following

500 following

25 following
Qwertycoin Development
Everyone can contribute participate in Qwertycoin and be a part of building a blockchain service.
Delivering simple relevant solutions by blending the best of real world operations with leading edge tech.

Jeff Lee
IT & Infrastructure

System Administrator

Previous Designer

Previous Webmaster

Paul Oliva

Previous Supporter
沧海 () 中国社区意见领袖
China community opinion leader
疯禽忘肿 ()中国社区精神领袖
China community spiritual leader
蔡先生 ()中国社区行政总裁
China community Chief Executive
孤狼傲月 ()中国社区宣传总监
China community publicity director
Paul 中国社区市场总监
China community Marketing Director
夜白() 中国社区首席信息官
China community CIO
窝窝 ()中国社区首席运营总监
China community COO
行者() 中国社区首席运营总监
China Community Deputy COO
沧海 () 中国社区意见领袖
China community opinion leader
疯禽忘肿 ()中国社区精神领袖
China community spiritual leader
蔡先生 ()中国社区行政总裁
China community Chief Executive
孤狼傲月 ()中国社区宣传总监
China community publicity director
Paul 中国社区市场总监
China community Marketing Director
夜白() 中国社区首席信息官
China community CIO
窝窝 ()中国社区首席运营总监
China community COO
行者() 中国社区首席运营总监
China Community Deputy COO
沧海 () 中国社区意见领袖
China community opinion leader
疯禽忘肿 ()中国社区精神领袖
China community spiritual leader
蔡先生 ()中国社区行政总裁
China community Chief Executive
孤狼傲月 ()中国社区宣传总监
China community publicity director
Paul 中国社区市场总监
China community Marketing Director
夜白() 中国社区首席信息官
China community CIO
窝窝 ()中国社区首席运营总监
China community COO
行者() 中国社区首席运营总监
China Community Deputy COO

Development Backlog
2023 to present
New Exchange Listing with an USDT and DOGE Pairing - Trading with QWC is easy again.
Rebirth of QWC
Loss of Exchanges, due to legal adjustment, but community was always behind QWC.
2021, December 15
Millionth Block
We reached our 1,000,000 Block in a stable Blockchain. Network is more stable than ever!
2021, September 05
Qwertycoin v6.0.8
Release v6.0.8 for better peer handling and synchronization speed.
2021, August 27
Qwertycoin 2021
Increased network strength for more stability and improved performance.
2021, February
Planning of QWC V7
We started to redesign our consensus technology. Read more about this in the Whitepaper
2020, May 31
Website Refresh
We switched to an open source website Version on GitHub. Participate here: Qwertycoin
2019, November 1
End of 2019 to May 2020
We redesigned our Core-Repositories to higher quality Coding Style
2018, October 29
Release: Voting Platform
Welcome to QWP (Qwertycoin Voting Plattform). This platform allows members to participate.
2018, September 19
BiteBTC Listing
Qwertycoin was launched on the BiteBTC Exchange with a BCH, ETH and DASH Pair!
2018, May 23
Bitexlive Listing
Qwertycoin was launched on the Bitexlive Exchange with BTC and DOGE Pair
2018, April 25
Crex24 Listing
Qwertycoin was launched on the Crex24 Exchange
2018, March 24
AltEx Listing
Listing on the AltExchange took place. (Exit Scam in July 2018)
2018, April 1
2nd exchange listing
CREP Exchange (exchange ceased operation in April 2018)
2018, February 25
1st Exchange listing
Preliminary listing of Qwertycoin on Exchange called “Octaex”
2018, February 14
Desktop Wallet Release
New Wallets for Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu
2018, February 10
Hardfork 1 at height 8473
Hardfork was made to fix an Major “vanilla bug” CryptoNote
2018, February 4
Qwertycoin goes global
The Announcement thread at
2018, January 27
First Block
The first Qwertycoin-Block was mined
2018, January 15
Qwertycoin goes public
Official project website at was published
2017, November 9
Planning of Qwertycoin
Project Beginning and starting development